Evisa for Kazakhstan citizen
The air travel shortest distance between Kazakhstan and Vietnam is 5,348 km= 3,323 miles. It takes about 6 hours to arrive Vietnam by plane. Vietnam time go ahead Kazakhstan time 1 hour.
Diplomatic relations established on June 29, 1992. From 2008, The Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Republic of Kazakhstan was opened. And until 2013, The Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan located in Vietnam. If you live in Astana, the capital of Kazakhstan, you can take a visa at here with spare time.
How to get Vietnam visa for busy person but love travel and discovery?
We bring you the best recomment about Evisa. With the emergence of technology that has turned the world into a global village, there have come a lot of alternatives to many things that impact the human life. One of the greatest benefits is Evisa that has shown a lot of improvement and switch from the long tiring and expensive method of going to the Vietnam embassy.
An electronic visa (Evisa) is one of visa types issued to foreigners by Vietnamese Immigration Department via electronic system for maximum of 30 single entry days. Entering Vietnam by ship, road or airplane is advantages of Evisa.
Why choosing Evisa:
No need to stop at the “visa on arrival office” to pick up the visa. No extra fee on arrival.
You can simply go online to upload your scan passport and photo when applying for Vietnam Evisa. After paying the fee online, your Vietnam Evisa will be ready within 2 working days (Please choose express service in 2 working hours or 8 working hours when you are in urgent case).
The shorter time and less expense that come with applying Evisa are the main factors that make many people go for that method compared to the others tedious and expensive. This will make people who are wishing to visit Vietnam not to get worried about how long the process may take for them to acquire the visa.
Vietnam currently has 8 airports, 16 land border gates and 9 sea border gates that allow foreigners to enter and exit by Evisa. However, You have to determine your arrival border crossings or airport before departure. Changing after applying for e-visa is not allowed.
Please note that There is only one type of visa that is available on e-visa system: 30-day and single entry visa.
Moreover, We provide approval letter for get 1-3 months single entry, 1-3-6 months multiple entries and 1 year multiple entries for whom expect to enter and exit Vietnam multiple times (for visiting the 3rd countries like Cambodia, Laos, Thailand,… before coming back to Vietnam and flying home). Please note that visa on arrival is available for air entry only and it can be ready within 1 hour, 4 hours, 8 hours or 2 working days depend on your needs.