Entry cost at Saigon airport

My friend and I would need the tourist visa to Vietnam for the period from 28th of December to 9th of January. I would like to know the overall price it will cost for your service plus any entry cost at Saigon airport and any cost of exit. Thank you

Customer Information ——————————————

Name: Niria Pamico

Present nationality : Italy

Phone number: 00393978591293

Primary email: niriapamico@gmail.com

Alternative email: N/A


In order to obtain visa on arrival at Vietnam International airports, you have to charge 2 kinds of fees only: Service fee + Stamp fee

Service fee: fee pay for Vietnam visa agent in Vietnam to arrange approval letter from Vietnam Immigration Dept., for your visa on your behalf. The Vietnam visa agent will take all document and procedure from Vietnam Immigration department to get your visa approved for pick up on arrival at airports of Vietnam.

Stamp fee: fee pay to get visa stamped on your passport at Vietnam airports

Vietnam fee to get visa on arrival Vietnam at international airports

One month single entry visa (picking up visa on arrival at airport of Vietnam)

·         Service fee :     $20 USD/pp

·         Stamping fee : $45USD/pp

One month multiple entry visa (picking visa up on arrival at airport of Vietnam)

·         Service fee :    $25USD/pp

·         Stamping fee: $65USD/pp for less than 1 month or $95USD/pp for full 1 month visa.

After you apply and make the payment, we will arrange approval letter and send it to you within 1-3 working days. Then you have to print it for boarding and getting visa at Vietnam airport.

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